Miracle Honey
Used by both Cleopatra and the ancient Chinese, honey has long been celebrated as a miracle salve for the skin. Made of about 80 percent sugar, honey also contains minerals and trace elements such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, amino
The Search For Smoother Skin
Nearly every culture across the ages has had it’s own search for agelessness, and it’s own “miracle” treatment for wrinkles. Ultimately, all wrinkles are caused by the loss of elastin and collagen in the skin and by loss of structure
Adult Acne: It IS Treatable
Acne can be particularly frustrating for adults. A treatment that worked well during your teen years can be useless — or make acne worse. Some adults continue to get acne well into their 30s, 40s, and even 50s. It is
Help Me Fund the Fight Against Pediatric Cancer
I am shaving my head to support The St. Baldricks Foundation and raise money for childhood cancer research. Through a chance connection, I came across a Facebook page called Michael’s Warriors. It was started to share the journey of a 13 year old
Skin Care Ingredients To Be Wary Of
Do you have sensitive skin, or do you feel like your skin reacts poorly to many products? Do you fight against breakouts, or dry, irritated skin? Sometimes these symptoms can be relieved by following some simple guidelines and avoiding these