Skin Care Myths
It is amazing how pervasive some of these skin care myths are, despite all evidence to the contrary. Read, learn, and go forth and spread the truth: Myth: Vigorous washing will clear up bad skin. No no no! Too much/too vigorous
The Power of Touch
There is a whole other side to what we do, and it is one of the founding principles of Privy Skin Care. We believe, and science has confirmed, that the mind and the skin are connected on many different levels. One
Finding Truth In Beauty
Tired of trying to figure out if the latest skin care fad is truth or marketing? Are all your friends pushing their own favorite skin care products on you? Privy Skin Care was started with the goal of helping and
Pre and Post Game Facial Care
You’ve taken the time out of your busy schedule to finally schedule a facial treatment, and you’ve paid with your hard eared money, so now make sure none of it goes to waste by following these guidelines (and any others
Adult Acne: We Can Help!
Acne can be particularly frustrating for adults. A treatment that worked well during your teen years can be useless — or make acne worse. Some adults continue to get acne well into their 30s, 40s, and even 50s. It is