Products To Use, And To Avoid After Sun Exposure
sunburn In an esthetician's perfect world, everyone would regularly apply SPF, would cover up in sun protective clothing, and seek shade when possible. But even in this perfect world, sun exposure would still happen, and oxidative stress from heat is often
Do You Really Know Your Skin Type?
What is your skin type and why does that matter? The skin you are born with dictates how much oil your skin will produce and the size of your pores, but many other factors influence your adult skin. There are the
Post Party Skin Revival
What happens in Vegas…can wreak havoc on your complexion. Late night partying, desert climate, and sun and smoke exposure are all likely culprits. In addition to a headache, each of these factors can severely dehydrate your skin, resulting in a
Which Exfoliation Is Right For You?
exfoliation It may not sound glamorous, but exfoliation, or removing dead epidermal cells (the outer layers of the skin) benefits your skin in many ways. Skin texture is smoother and softer, follicle openings are cleaner, deep pore extractions are easier, cell
Simple Guidelines for Sensitive Skin
Do you have sensitive skin, or do you feel like your skin reacts poorly to many products? Do you fight against breakouts, or dry, irritated skin? Sometimes these symptoms can be relieved by following some simple guidelines and avoiding these